Glow Up Challenge Day 4

I am so proud of you! You have shown up for yourself now for 4 days in a row. I know it doesn’t seem like a long time but remember most people give up on their goals on day 2 so you're already winning!

Let’s talk about tracking your progress. Have you taken a before photo yet? If you haven’t stop reading right now and go take a before photo. Take one of the front of your body, the side, and the backside. Go on I’ll wait for you to come back….

Now that you’ve taken a before photo I want you to look at that photo of yourself and remind yourself that you are AMAZING. Your body has been the one thing you can always count on every single day to show up for you and work to keep you alive without fail. It might not be perfectly shaped and you might have some imperfections that need to be worked on but take 5 minutes to speak nicely to that photo and really appreciate yourself. Having a positive self-image is so important to growth and feeling better about yourself.

With all of that being said I want you to take 16 minutes out of your day, anytime today whether it’s right now or right before bed but take 16 minutes to listen to this guided self-mediation. TRUST ME this is all a part of the process of GLOWING UP over the next few days.


DAY 5 of the Glow Up Challenge


Day 3 of the GLOW UP Challenge